Mobile Home Insurance
Mobile homes need just as much protection as stationary homes, perhaps even more because they have the added peril of being able to move. Being towed behind a truck is never something that a stationary home has to face. When purchasing mobile home insurance, there are many factors to consider, including whether or not you need a mobile home policy.
What Is Insurance for Mobile Homes?
Mobile homes insurance does not just cover manufactured or prefabricated homes. Many policies cover other types of moveable structures, including sheds or garages that might be on the same property as the mobile home itself. This insurance, like homeowner’s insurance, also covers your belonging inside the mobile home and may even provide liability coverage if someone is injured or has their property damaged on your property.
Basically, it provides the same protections for those that live in mobile homes as those that live in stationary homes. Most policies require the home to be a specific kind of mobile home, ranging from modular to more traditional mobile homes. While policies will vary when it comes to what specifically they can and will cover, most provide basic coverage for the property, home itself, and protection from liability suits.
What Events Are Covered by Mobile Home Insurance?
In general, weather, natural disaster, and theft are all covered. Many plans are customizable so that you and your Michael Piggot Agency insurance agent can build a plan that covers exactly what you need it to cover and does not require you to pay for coverage that you know you will not need. Some of the most common areas for these plans to cover include fire, lightning, theft, landslides, hail, and even vandalism.
Mobile homes are more likely to be damaged by weather and other unexpected events that stationary homes, making it extremely important for those who own mobile homes to have mobile home insurance. Your coverage will allow you to repair or replace any damages or thefts that occur.
Let us help you build the perfect mobile home insurance plan, choosing from some of the country’s best providers of mobile home insurance. We know that you don’t want to pay for coverage that you do not need and you do not want to overpay for the coverage that you do need. This is why we are committed to helping you find the very best plan for your unique situation.
Contact us today for more information about mobile home insurance or to get your no-obligation free quote!